Family Relationships

Join other women in the sandwich generation - share ideas and solutions as you learn to nourish family relationships without starving yourself.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One of our readers talked about asking her son to find other living arrangements unless he began to make a financial contribution to the household. We have been researching and writing about boomerang kidults, focusing mainly on how to work toward their moving out of the family home. But there are different ways of looking at the same situation.

Some experts are proposing the idea that the extended family living together is a solution to the stress on today's society. With people working more hours a day and having longer commutes, additional people living at home can relieve the parental burden. It's like a throw-back to previous generations - grandparents staying in the guest room, helping school age grandchildren with their homework; boomerang kidults down on their luck, driving grandpa to his bridge game.

What's going on in your family?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, like many others, have had a "kidadult", son, who has moved back home after college to "save money". Naturally, he is home for many meals, enjoys most of the benefits he enjoyed as a teenager. I have found that the situation stifles his incentive and decided on a modified "tough love" approach. He now is required to perfom several duties around the house (trash emptier, lawn mower, shopper) to earn his keep, and this, as well as a privacy issue, is motivating him to learn new things, seek higher paying employment and eventually to attain financial and living circumstance independence. Thanks for your supportive and stimulating blog.

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, like many others, have a kidult living at home. My son moved back after college to "save money." Naturally, he is home for many meals and enjoys most of the benefits he had as a teenager. I have found that this situation stifles his incentive and I'm trying a modified tough love approach. He now has several chores around the house, mowing the lawn, emptying the trash, babysitting his sister. Lately he seems more motivated to move out - in part because of the privacy issue - and I'm hoping that leads to a bettercareer path as well.

Thanks for your stimulating and supportive blog.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the family compound you describe doesn't sound bad to me. It would sure beat spending all that time and money on 'love miles,' not to mention reducing our carbon imprint, if we could live closer to family members. What do others think? Have you considered creating a survey on this subject?

9:49 AM  

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