Virtual Book Tour with T.B. Fisher

Today we welcome T.B. Fisher to our blog for a Virtual Book Tour. He'll be answering questions about his book, Bought In: Reignite, Retool, Rebrand. He's got lots of exciting ideas to share so lets get started:
NR: We understand that you promote a unique way of dealing with problems we currently face.
TBF: Today we face challenges that fundamentals alone cannot solve. Challenges that necessitate utilizing our gift of free thinking. We are called to incorporate three new R’s – let’s call them R cubed (R3) – Reignite, Retool, Rebrand.
NR: Just what does that mean?
TBF: My messages focus on empowering those individuals and organizations whose journey has stalled. Stalled due to unkindly economic realities or just Life’s daily grind. Reignite your passions. Retool your burning desire with acquired wisdom. Rebrand yourself to achieve and succeed.
NR: If stalled, how can you help?
TBF: As a writer, speaker and teacher, I use my voice to encourage and empower. I am able to relate how we can combine the wisdom and knowledge gained though life’s experiences with our past passions to achieve our dreams.
NR: Tell us about your past, your passions.
FBF: I was born and raised in Southern California. My youth was well rounded -- an Eagle Scout, AFS foreign exchange student, athlete, musician. I graduated from UCLA with a BS in Engineering and received an MBA from the University of Southern California. I had accomplished my dreams of sports victories and love triumphs. My life passions were well entrenched getting caught up in various social movements from war to hunger. I thought I had seen it all.
NR: And you hadn’t?
TBF: Not even close. The reality of Uncle Sam’s infamous draft lottery opened my eyes. But nothing like surviving events that never occurred to me-- even with my wild imagination – family illnesses, financial setbacks, professional downsizing, sailing in a hurricane.
NR: What other life experiences have you had?
TBF: As an international businessperson, I conducted sales and operations in virtually every country of the world and traveled to most. I am driven by meeting and working with people of all cultures, climates and dreams. My sorrow is being a witness to worldwide rote behavior-stifling creative solutions. My blessing is a loving wife and six terrific children.
NR: Tell us about your new book.
TBF: “Bought In: Reignite, Retool, Rebrand” is a revisit of the Baby Boomer’s adolescent heritage in the '60's, motivating the reader to incorporate life’s acquired wisdom and past passion to achieving rewired goals - ranging from retooled careers to social reform. In this updated version of my 2009 book, we provide a free, downloadable working journal for the reader's personal exploration, "Dream and Do."
Available also in all e-book formats, the book is written in a quick read style of 52 segments containing thought provoking topics, discussion, affirmations and personalized questions. So, the book can either be used to motivate the reader weekly or in one airplane flight.
NR: How does the book parallel your life? Have we all "bought in?"
TBF: Unfortunately my life mirrors most. With kids and therefore bills, I compromised my youthful zeal. I bought in. I gave my energies to my career. We lived the life of a corporate gypsy, moving 20 times in 20 years. There’s a message here for everyone.
We all get so high on ideals, we fall victim to the realities of life. In doing so we aid and abet the Establishment to flourish. The 60’s weren’t about being dissatisfied with life, it was about tackling injustice, bureaucratic behaviour, ambivalence…No different than social issues we face today. But today, we face personal challenges that require us to tap into those deep-seated passions in order to survive.
NR: Who will benefit from these messages?
TBF: Anyone fallen prey to unkindly economic realities and desperately needing to retool their career. People feeling the need to jump-start social desires stalled by life’s daily grind. Those ready to reignite hibernated passions into missions of personal renewal, family unity or social reform.
NR: Well that sounds like most of us! Thanks for sharing your time with us today. Readers, now is your time to ask your own questions of T.B. Fisher - he's graciously agreed to answer them today. So send in your comments and questions and we'll start the dialogue.
Labels: Bought In, career, family, passion, rebrand, restart, retool, TB Fisher
As a 57 year old woman looking to give back to a cause larger than myself, can you give me a concrete example of how to begin to reignite that youthful passion?
I have lots of good ideas about things I want to do now that I'm retired but I can't seem to get started on any of them. Can you help?
Branding is a hot topic today, especially in the business world. But I'm thinking about it on a more personal level. What about the mom who now has an empty nest and a different role? Joyce
Dear A,
Congratulations, you have taken the first step to giving back to a cause larger than any of us. I suggest taking the next step to relax and reflect. What is it that stirs you? Friends have responded -- pet cruelty, hunger, bad education. The next step isn't to start your own SPCA, food bank or Pro Bono school district, but to volunteer at your local SPCA, food bank or school. Helping one animal, one homeless, one child will light your fire.
Thank you for your concern and all the best.
Dear B,
I first wrote "Bought In" just for you. From a generation so rich in social cause, it was time for us to use our retirement to accomplish our missions that fell below raising kids, paying the mortgage, keeping our job. To get started, check out my response to "A". Remember, to eat an elephant, you start by taking the first bite, then one forkful at a time. Pick a no brainer for your first mission -- taking your grandkid to the zoo, volunteering for one day, write one letter to the newspaper editor. Raise the bar and go for number two...
Thank you for your concerns and all the best. But most of all, enjoy the process.
Dear Joyce,
My wife and I are at the same phase of our lives. Our roles have changed...leaving us with the opportunity to discover what new role we want to play. As veteran ball players, we we've seen, done and not done. The choice is yours. Please see my comments to A and B. My suggestion is to start with what stirs you. How do you want to spend your time, resources. To accomplish this, do you have the tools? Do you need specific education, training. With passions ignited, personal tooling in place, you can brand yourself however you please. Social networking allows you to do just that.
Thank you for your concerns and all the best. Enjoy the process and celebrate you victories.
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