Family Relationships

Join other women in the sandwich generation - share ideas and solutions as you learn to nourish family relationships without starving yourself.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day has arrived and with it the promise of spring and renewal. It brings with it memories as divergent as dancing around the Maypole with other young girls in the fourth grade to seeing the parades of Red Army soldiers marching to glorify the now defunct Soviet Union. We have, as the Chinese put it, lived in interesting times - whether that be a blessing or a curse.

As a Sandwiched Boomer, change and transition are an integral part of your life as you cope daily with aging parents and growing children. Does your load feel lighter as the days get brighter and longer? Arrange to spend some more time outdoors as you breathe deeply and let the warmth of the sun soak in. Pick up your parents and bring them with you and your children to visit the park - they will both enjoy the connection and the freedom that the open spaces allow.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are quite right. Being outdoors in the sun and in the open does help lift ones caregiver'
spirits. When I was taking care of my aunt with breast cancer, I realized that I felt so good when outside that I started taking her out more and the change in her was incredible. The house becomes so claustrophobic. It makes one feel more alive. Great suggestion:)

9:49 PM  

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