Sandwiched Boomers: Our Gift to You
Just for today, please indulge us in a stroll down memory lane. It's been 10 years since we published our first Stepping Stones newsletter and 5 years that we've been blogging here at Nourishing Relationships.

Early on we discovered that the Internet was like the Wild West and we joined with other pioneers to build a thriving community. We've met some incredible women through our work and want to share narratives they wrote for issues of the newsletter, some dating way back to 2001.
Read about joys and struggles of family life:
stepmother survival tips
kitchen dancing
the loss of a love
And about women who took a big step beyond their comfort zone:
doing what you love
self discovery at 52
a pilgrimage
We want you to know, dear readers, that we appreciate you! Even though we often don't hear from you directly, the statistics show that you're stopping by and reading the posts. As a gift for your loyalty, please download these complimentary eBooks and feel free to share them with your friends:
Courage and Lessons Learned: Reaching Your Goals
Taking Control of Stress in a Financial Storm: Practical Strategies and Resources for Success
If interersted, sign the email list to the left of this post to receive our monthly newsletter. And if you have your own story to tell or a family issue you want to discuss, we're listening. Just click on 'comments' below and start writing. Or email us at
Labels: blogging, complimentary eBooks, complimentary monthly newsletter, courage, family, financial stress, goals, loss, Male Sandwiched Boomers, self discovery, women
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